Day 7 we spent on the ship. Of course the kids had to swim, Nic was so good to take them. In the afternoon we watched Safe Haven -Love that show- since it had been cancelled the previous night. It was a beautiful day with no wind and the sun shining. And best of all we could walk straight because the waters were calm. Around 7 we arrived to our last stop in Victoria before Seattle. But unfortunately the ship had some malfunctions and we weren't able to make it. We anchored just outside to see if they could ferry people off the ship, but with such late notice they wouldn't allow it. Luckily we didn't have anything planned and were only scheduled to be there for 3 hours or I would have been a lot more bummed. Instead we played on the ship hitting the different shows and games. My cute hubby even asked me to dance, he's such a stud!
Our last day of our vacation came way too soon. After getting off our ship we had some time to walk around Seattle for a bit before heading to the airport. We went to Pike's Place and walked through the Public Market.
We had just about as many ways of transportation on this trip as you can. We traveled in a truck, airplane, train, van, ship, bus, boat, and kayak. Land, air, and sea. I'm so glad that we got to do this and experience some really cool things, and of course create amazing memories.
Our waiters Mara, and Ador...
Nic giving me a thumbs up after he found our luggage...
We wore the kids out...
Scenery flying out of Seattle...
Mount St. Helens...
I love all the similar pictures we have:) I am so glad you guys had fun! It was so great to see your pictures!