Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Spring Is In The Air...

 Monday and Tuesday were beautiful days.  The sun was shining so we were outside playing, having picnics, and planting our garden.  Now today is a bit cooler and rainy which is great for our garden.  Payton was such a good helper,  She helped with most of it.  She planted the seeds, dug holes, watered, and wrote what was planted on the sticks.
 After the hard work was done I wanted to bring a little more spring into our home so I got out the power tools and went to work.  Nic told me even though I'm making crafts that he thinks I'm pretty sexy using the tools.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Connor Turns 3...

 Last Saturday we celebrated Connor's 3rd Birthday.  It's hard to believe that yet another year has gone by.  My baby is 3! We love him so much.  This year he was old enough to answer some questions about himself.  So here they are:
Favorite Color: Blue... and orange, red, yellow, green and blue and black.
Favorite Movie: Plains
Favorite Character: Dusty Crophopper
Favorite TV Show: Rescue Bots and Jake and the Neverland Pirates
Favorite Activity: Riding bikes outside.
Favorite Animal: Lion and Gorilla
Favorite Food: Cereal
On Friday we went out to Bella's for his birthday dinner.  These next two pictures make me laugh.  I love his cute face especially when he gets embarrassed.  Wearing the sombrero came with a lot of attention, attention that he got pretty shy about.

 This year we decided on a Jake cake.  So I tried my best, of course I'm not pleased with it because I can pick out and notice every little flaw.  But Connor loved it so I guess that's all that really matters.

 He had his well child check up and everything is great.  His hernia is still there but is shrinking so hopefully by the time he is 5 it will be gone so we can avoid surgery. I was always so concerned about his speech but without me even saying anything the doctor said that he speaks very well.  Why do I worry so much?
 He weighs 36.6 pounds- 89%
And his height is 39.25"- 88%
I love our big boy so much.  He makes us laugh and smile all the time.  Everyone says they love the way he talks and I would have to agree that it's one of my favorite things to listen to.  A lot of the time I will ask him to repeat what he said just so I can hear it again.  The way he pauses in his sentences and the emphasis he puts on different words is enough to melt your heart.  He also has excellent facial expressions and shows so much emotion with whatever he's doing. He loves Payton and will do anything that she does.  Since his birthday the first thing he wants to do in the morning, even before going to the bathroom is ride his bike.  He loves his new bike, any chance he gets to ride it he'll take it.

 I'd say this kid got pretty spoiled on his special day.  He got everything that he asked for and more.
 That's including our newest furry family member Charlie.  He is a mix between a Yorkie and a Maltese so they call him a "Morkie".  We got him from a family friend and they told us how good of a dog he was, though I had my doubts they are all gone now.  He is a really good dog.  He is completely house trained which is the biggest bonus ever.  He loves the kids and has been switching back and forth between both the kids' room for sleeping. Another bonus he sleeps all night long.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Wood Creations...

Last month I entered one of my crafts on a blog contest.  The challenge was you had to use a scallop design.  I made this cupcake for Valentines then decided it could work for the challenge.  Just in case if the scallop of the frosting on top wasn't enough I made where the wrapper would be scalloped.  During the contest I doubted me entering it and kept wanting to pull it out of the contest because it was a Valentines Day decoration and by the time voting began Valentines day was over.  Luckily for me most of the other contestants had entered Valentines Day decor.  So I put a link on Facebook to have family and friends vote and ended up winning!
 I needed to change out the V-day decor and realized I had nothing for St. Patrick's  Day so I pulled out the saw and made a couple of shamrocks.  Now I have two St. Patty's Day decorations.

The best thing of all is all of these were made with things I had so no money was spent creating these!

Monday, March 10, 2014


 A couple of weeks ago I finally signed us up for an individual dentist plan with insurance.  We have never been to the dentist our entire married life, Nic hasn't been since before his mission.  To say we need to see the dentist is an understatement. I knew Payton had to be seen before Kindergarten Roundup so she was the first to be seen.  The rest of us aren't until June, so I guess that gives us a little recovery time.  Especially since Payton is going to cost us quite a bit.  She has 7 "sugar bugs" that need to be taken care of.  And they insist on not waiting.  That means not waiting our 6 month waiting period before our insurance will take affect.  Yes, this would be the reason I have avoided going to the dentist, because its more money spent more money that we don't have!!!
Anyway aside from the financial burden this will put us in Payton did great.  She has been nervous so I have made sure to talk it up with her.  She did awesome and was very calm and listened to directions.  They asked if she was always this calm and I told them ya.  When it comes time to fixing the cavities they will fix them all at once with her alert. She loved going to the dentist and enjoyed her time watching TV on the ceiling.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


 Last Wednesday we went to the final free day of the the winter months at the zoo.  We have been doing this for years but it has never been in the 60° so I have never seen it so busy in my life.  After searching for a parking spot for a half hour (because I didn't want to park a mile and half away) I told Payton we were going to have to do something else.  Just then we spotted a couple who was leaving and patiently waited for them so we could take their spot.  After a 12pt turn to get into the spot we were ready for the adventure.  Seriously it was too crazy I can't wait to go back and pay to get in the zoo.  That way we can see animals and not be run down by strollers and crazy kids!