Monday, April 21, 2014

Connor's 3 Year Pictures and Payton's 5 year Pictures...

 Joni and I were finally able to schedule a time to take the kids' yearly pictures.  I loved that we took them around our home and in their bedrooms.  I love these two cute kids and love my Aunt Joni for always being so willing to take the kids' pictures!


We have been working hard on our backyard for the past year and now there is finally an end in sight... well other than all the regular maintenance. I loved this backyard growing up.  We had tons of family picnics and spent so much time playing here.  Over the years it became quite rundown.  There were stumps that needed to go, rocks, old decks and tons and tons of vole holes.  You couldn't walk back there without twisting your ankle in a hole.  We dug up the stump and I continued to fill in the vole holes and slowly but surely they stopped returning and multiplying.  Speaking of holes we also removed the clothesline poles so for awhile we had Payton size holes.
 Look at that pile!

 I'm so happy that we were finally able to put in the lawn with our families help installing it.  I love it sooooo much!!!