Thursday, November 15, 2012


 Yes I am thankful for technology.  I don't know what I would do without it.  I use it everyday! I love capturing my family with the camera, and when I don't have my camera I use my phone.  I have my phone on me most of the time and feel naked with out it.  The world is using technology and progressing with it yearly.  It's changing the way kids learn and we rely on it daily.  I am thankful for all of the educational material that is out there using technology. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


 I am thankful to have the personality that I have.  I feel that I am pretty easy going, easily pleased, and enjoy most things.  I am thankful I am this way.  I am thankful that Nic is the same way.  We are a pretty chill pair.  I am thankful that most people we associate with are the same way.  I love the relationships we have! We all have great sense of humors... Our gnome wars... I just had to throw in Octobers.

 I am thankful our kids have fun personality's and entertain each other and Nic and I for hours. 

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Cozy Home...

Last night after having family home evening and watching the exciting Jazz game we all watched a movie together as a family.  It was nothing big and exciting but meant so much to me.  The kids sat on the floor sharing a blanket while Nic and I sat on the couch cuddled together with the fire going.  It's moments like those that I cherish the most; the time I get to spend with my family in my home.  One of my friends said it best;  "I don't have a mansion or a palace, but I have a roof over my head with lots of laughter within it's walls."  And truly that's all that matters.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Catching Up on my Thankfulness...

Thursday: I am thankful for church sports.  The past few weeks we have been playing volleyball and I have loved it.  I love the time I get to spend with some pretty awesome women from our stake.  We have so much fun laughing and enjoying our little bit of exercise together.

Friday:  I am thankful for the opportunity that I have to serve and the opportunities that the church gives me to do so.  I was able to go to the Cannery for the first time and enjoyed the 4.5 hours I spent there.  I had the best feeling there and knew that I was helping such a good cause.
 Saturday:  I am grateful for my in-laws and the time we were able to spend together this last weekend in Park City for a girls weekend.  We didn't sleep, we laughed, shopped, ate and I loved every bit of it.

 Sunday:  I am thankful for Hot Chocolate! I love it and the kids love it too.  It's perfect for these chilly winter days we have had and have ahead of us.

 Monday:  I am so thankful for my two beautiful children.  They light up my life daily.  I love them so much.  I am thankful that they are friends and love each other too.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Follow the Prophet...

 Now we have a world where people are confused.
If you don’t believe it, go and watch the news.
We can get direction all along our way,
If we heed the prophets-follow what they say.
This song was on my mind constantly last night.  I believe it to be true.  And I will always follow the prophet because I know he teaches and says nothing but the truth.  The outcome of the election is not the one that I was hoping and praying for but I know there is reason for all of this. 
 "For I am no respecter of persons, and will that all men shall know the the day speedily cometh; the hour is not yet, but is nigh at hand, when peace shall be taken from the earth, and the devil shall have power over his own dominion." D&C 1:35  
I found this scripture to be very interesting especially at this time.  Whatever this country goes through I know that I will always have a prophet to follow and trust in, scriptures to read, and my testimony that Heavenly Father has a greater plan for me to follow.
In God We Trust

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Our Freedoms...

With this great nation we are privileged to have a say in who will help run our country.  Today is the day where we can go out and use our voice by voting for who we think is best for the job of President of the United States.  I hope and pray that everyone will take this opportunity to go out and vote.  Every vote counts and every vote is needed.  I am anxious and very nervous for this Country's future.  Nic and I were both impacted from the recession.  The company I was working for at the time filed bankruptcy and I was next to be laid off but was blessed to be able to quit before to stay home with my baby girl.  But not before Nic was able to recover from his layoff at Williams and find work at a ICI.  I hope people can see that Obama's hope is lost and his change was not for the better.  We suffered and still are.  I have high hopes for Mitt Romney I believe that he can make a difference and help our country for the better.  I love his proposition for small companies and to help out the entrepreneurs.  I feel that it will bless Nic since he was set back 2 years from the layoff.  
Nic has been so good with everything that he has dealt with and has stayed strong through it all.  He has been working hard to get to where he is at and we are blessed for it.  Last week Nic got a raise and I am so thankful for it.  He is moving up in the company and starting to take charge as the Foreman. 
So today I am thankful for the opportunity we have to vote.  Take advantage of it and go out and VOTE!!!

Nic is still pretty sick.  He has been sleeping since 6 last night and here it is 10 in the morning and he is still trying to rest. 

Monday, November 5, 2012


Though I have never tried Nyquil myself I am thankful for it.  Nic woke up this morning not feeling too well but went ahead and went to work anyway.  About 3:30 he couldn't stand anymore do to how bad he was aching and shaking so he came home.  I fixed him some chicken noodle then he went and laid down I kissed him and could tell he had a fever, 101.9°.  I gave him some Nyquil since that was all I could find that was for fevers and other flu like symptoms.  A few hours later his fever and chills have subsided and he is sleeping peacefully.  Hopefully by morning he will be feeling better. 


I am so thankful for my calling.  I absolutely love the girls that I work with and love all of the leaders so much! I look forward to Sundays and Wednesdays when I can meet with them and feel of their Spirit's that they bring.  Yesterday Nic got a new calling he says he felt fine and felt like he was a part of the ward without a calling but I think this will be so good for him.  He was put in as 2nd Counselor in the Elders Quorum  Presidency.  I know that he will do such a good job and learn to love so many people in the ward.  I am so thankful for the ward that we are in, I love it so much! Change is GOOD!!!

Saturday, November 3, 2012


I am thankful for talents, not only for the talents that I have but for the talents that everyone else has and for those who are willing to share them.  Last night we had a stake talent show and it was so fun to see the different talents everyone had, and the fear that they didn't have in sharing them with everyone around.  It made for an entertaining enjoyable night.
Earlier today we went to a baptism of my cousin's kid I loved the sweet innocent spirit that was felt there.  I am so thankful that I have the Holy Ghost with me and that I am able to feel the Spirit.  I strive daily to have a home that the Spirit can be felt in.  I strive daily to become a better person, to teach my kids, and to show love and support to my HOT husband.  I am so thankful that Nic is willing to do the same and to be the Patriarch of our home and family. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Today I am thankful for my Silhouette.  Random, I know but I am.  I love doing little crafts here and there and my Silhouette makes it so much easier to do them.  Last week I made all of the YW cup cake boxes to take home cup cakes in that went along with my lesson and they all thought they were so cute.  Today as I took down Halloween and put up Thanksgiving I did more taking down than putting up.  I am seriously lacking Thanksgiving decor.  So while Payton and Connor were playing so well together I made these burlap banners and cut out the letters with my Silhouette. Though it's not much it helps bring a little more to my Thanksgiving decorations.

Happy Halloween...

 What a fun Halloween we had! Our day started off with making Halloween pancakes for breakfast.  Then watching a couple of Halloween movies on Netflix.  Later on we went over to Aaron and Tawna's for our orange themed dinner; chicken sandwiches, orange jello salad, squash, carrots, cheetos, durritos and a sparkling pot of witches apple cider finished off with orange floats.  After dinner we headed over to the Trunk-Or-Treat.  This was our first experience with it and I thought it was fun and will do it from here on out.  After the Trunk-Or-Treat we all went back home and loaded up on the train to finish our night by Trick-Or-Treating in style.  It was so much fun, one of the funnest Halloween's we have had.  Payton was really in to it and went to every house with a huge grin on her face.  Connor loved grabbing candy from the bowls and didn't like it when people would put the candy in his bag for him.  We finished our night with reading Charlie Browns 'It's the Great Pumpkin' that my grandparents brought over earlier for the kids.

 I'm a witch and Nic is my broom...