Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Car Story...

For the last while Nic and I have been wanting a new car.. Who doesn't? Last Saturday we were just sitting around so I told Nic we should go test drive some cars so that when we are in the market to get one we would know what we wanted.  As we were getting ready I got a text from the secretary from our ward asking Nic to call him when he had a minute.  Nic called and Jordan told him that he had a couple of cars that he wanted us to come look at.  We went and took a look at the vehicles he had in mind.  We fell in love with the Trailblazer instantly.  In fact the kids started crying when we moved the car seats back into the Cavalier.  Payton said she just wanted to leave the car there and drive home the other.  Which Nic and I could both understand and relate to.  We went about our day and weekend just thinking of the car, we really couldn't get it off our mind. It was so hard to decipher if it felt so good because it would be an upgrade or if it felt so good because it was meant to be.  The whole phone call from Jordan out of the blue couldn't be ignored. The answer became pretty clear on Wednesday when we did some more looking around and test driving and had the worst experience ever.  Again Payton said she just wanted to get the car we drove before. So Wednesday afternoon I went over to John Watson Chevrolet and took the car out for another spin just by myself and prayed and prayed I called Nic and said it felt so good and Nic agreed. So I went back and started signing my life away with all the paperwork and Nic went over that night to finish it all off. Thursday we drove home our new vehicle.  It's a 2008 Chevy Trailblazer with 72,000 miles on it and we are extremely giddy about it!  This is Nic and I's first big purchase together and it couldn't have gone smoother.

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