Friday, July 20, 2012

Catchin' Up...

 After our AMAZING trip we were back to the real world in no time.  Nic took Wednesday off to work on the truck to get it registered.  We knew this had to be done but kept putting it off because we didn't want to fork out the money for new tires.  But Wednesday we buckeled down and purchased new tires and rims.  Nic is a happy boy! After that we went to get the safety and emissions passed... but of course it didn't.  There was a bolt missing that helps hold the battery... never had them not pass for that since it's been that way for years. Oh well So while Nic worked on fixing the battery the kids and I played in the pool.  Finally we were able to get it registered... and then a barring came loose so he had to fix that too.  Thank goodness I have a handy man!!
This year I bought a pass of all passes that will get me into baseball games, water parks, ski resorts, and other things for $20.  So far we have been to Seven Peaks Water Park a couple of times and it has already paid for itself.  The first time that we went to Seven Peaks I was a little stressed and didn't like it so much.  But the second time was much better.  I went for the kids not for me and that made all the difference. 
Sunday was the Weber State Fireworks it's always fun to be with family.  But again these traditions are not the same with out Maddie! She is only half way done with working in Alaska, I wish it were closer.  She is having the time of her life though so that makes me happy!

 Cheeseballs anyone???

 Isn't she a beaut! She kept doing her "crazy eyes"...

1 comment:

  1. Your kids are so stinkin' cute!! Sorry to hear about the car problems, those are not fun and can be super expensive!
