Monday, June 4, 2012


What has this world come to? I am so sick to my stomach with everything that is going on around me. A few months ago one of my friends announced that she was getting a divorce because her husband wasn't interested in her but rather interested in the same sex. I feel so bad for her and the struggles she is going through and I feel even more horribly about the way she is handling it.  Today another friend announced she was also getting a divorce and once again my heart breaks.  But not nearly as much as my heart broke a few minutes ago when a very close friend.  One who I have admired for years came out and said he was gay. I am sick. I am mad. I am sad.  I am devastated. And I feel like a friend just died. I don't know how to handle this.  And how he can be ok with it all especially after all that he has been taught.  This completely blindsided me I would have never guessed especially with how strong of a testimony I know that he has.  It hurts me to know that he is giving everything up because of this choice he is making. It hurts to feel like I don't know him anymore and I don't want to hear his excuses.  I truly pray that he will get help.  And I hope and pray that are group of friends will pull together to get him out of this slump.


  1. I feel those same feelings. I am so confused at how people, especially ones I thought I knew, can go completely against what they know to be right and true. Satan is hard at work and we need to be too! I just wish I knew the best thing to do to help...

  2. Your heart might be breaking but stay true as a friend. Can you imagine the pain he must be filling if everyone and everything he knows is turning against him. I know I'm a little more open minded about this type of stuff but remember it is not our place to pass judgment, it's our place to be here for those who need us. Ask yourself if your true friends, regardless of their beliefs, would be there for you. I'm grateful every day that my friends never gave up on me and were still there after barely having contact with them during my trying times. You have an enormous heart, and although you feel hurt and betrayed, keep that heart open because you have so much to share. Love ya!
