Tuesday, June 19, 2012

As of Late...

 Friday night we went to the drive-in with Cameron and Cecelia and watched Madagascar 3.  I love those shows and think they are so cute! Afterwards was Dark Shadows which is one that I won't recommend to anyone.  Even though I didn't catch what was going on because I fell asleep through the majority of it what I did see was really weird. But we had a great time snuggling in the back of the truck as a family!

 Sunday of course was Father's Day.  I made Nic his breakfast and then we were rushing to get ready for church.  We are back to 9 so we don't have as much time to lollygag anymore. At the start of Relief Society I could tell that I was starting to get a migraine.  The teacher started to disappear and I couldn't read the words in the hymn book.  I stuck it out for the rest of church, but when we got home I was hit pretty hard.  I kept nothing down and felt so weak.  Poor Nic ended up taking care of me rather then me taking care of him on Father's Day.

 For Father's Day Maddie got dad a camera to skype with.  My parents absolutely loved it as did we!
 Yesterday I couldn't take the heat any longer so we ran over to Walmart and bought a little pool to play in.  It was so nice and refreshing.  Soon we were joined by Aaron and Tawna's kids

 I think I have the sweetest husband around.  Especially as of late.  Last night I had two late soccer games so Nic killed some time by making a cake.  Well when I looked at it this morning he had written I ♥ U BABE! It's little things like that that make me appreciate my man more! What a stud!!

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