Today Connor had his 15 month check up. Where is the time going?? He is the cutest boy ever! He doesn't say too many words. He will shake his head no and usually grunt and point to the things that he wants. He loves anything with an engine. He will stop whatever he is doing and look for the airplane in the sky or whatever is driving by. He is all boy! You can imagine how much Nic loves this. He loves to play in the dirt, sand and water. He says mom, up, and uh-oh and will growl for lions and make engine noises for trucks, and like I said before grunts to everything else. He has been walking for a couple of weeks now and it of course is the cutest thing ever! He copies every move that Payton makes, right down to the tantrums. They sure do love each other.... most of the time.
Height: 32.5 in. 80%
Weight: 24.11 lbs. 50%
Head Circumference: 49.3 cm 95%
At this appointment the doctor did confirm that Connor has a hernia and if it doesn't change from now to his 18 month appointment we will need to be referred.
He is such a cutie pie! Kaleb had a hernia removed and my nephew just barely did as well. If he does have to get it out, don't worry. It is always hard to have your baby hurt but they do it often and I am sure he will do great!