Thursday, January 26, 2012

Fun Days...

 The other day during Connor's nap Payton and I went out and played in the snow.  She absolutely loved it! She loved throwing snowballs at me, eating the snow, and making snow angels. 

 Yesterday we went to the zoo... Who thinks to go to the zoo in the middle of winter??? Well when it's free you can bet that Carlin and I do!! It was such a beautiful day and felt so nice to be out and about with the sun beating down on us. For it being a free day it was probably the least crowded I have ever seen it.  It wasn't until we were leaving that everyone was showing up.  I guess those are the pros to not having kids in school yet.

Yesterday was one of the funnest times I have ever had at the zoo.  The kids were so happy and enjoyed every bit of it, the air was brisk but the heat from the sun made it perfect.  I spent 5 hours talking with Carlin about everything going on in life.  I love her so much and am so glad that I am so close to her. I also love how well our kids get along together.  I love having her around and being able to talk to her about everything and anything.  She got me so excited for upcoming events I can hardly stand it!!! Ü


  1. When I came home yesterday, I told Greg that I had so much fun with you! He was like, "Why? What did you do besides follow the kids around?" I couldn't explain why just talking with you was so much fun, but seriously, it was! Thank you for going with me yesterday. It was a much needed out and I very much needed the girl talk! I love you!

  2. Oh, and I agree, one of the best times I've had at the zoo! It really was just a perfect day!
