His first night in his new blue room was New Years Eve/ New Years Day.
New Years Eve was spent playing games and eating way to much food at my parents house.
I have never been big on making resolutions, I have never known what to do and I know you can make new goals year round. But this year I did set some new goals and I hope to stick with them. This is also my first year of wanting to lose weight and be more fit. Between both Nic and I we want to lose 50 lbs. Sounds like a lot, but split between the two of us I think we can do it! We are also playing the Biggest Loser with the Field family. Wish us luck! I also want to be a better mom, have more patience, read and study my personal scriptures and keep a private journal on that, I also want to work harder in my calling!
New Years morning Connor's first tooth started to bud and today the one has come through and the second is close!
With the new year comes the new semester up at Weber State. And for this whole semester I will be watching Aaron and Tawna's kids in the morning/ afternoon. Which really is no big deal. Payton and Weston do their own thing and Katelynn and I play games!
We celebrated my dad's and Maddie's birthdays last week and enjoyed eating lots of cake, ice cream, and pie! (Don't worry I will lose weight.... somehow!)
Last Saturday I spent the day with my sister-in-law Camie while the boys went riding before the extended Rich family Christmas party. During this time we went on a mouse hunt! I saw on one of my friend's blog that for a white elephant gift they gave a white mouse. I just had to do it. When checking out at Petco I learned that I needed to say it was for food and not a pet because they wouldn't let me buy it without buying a home for it. Forget that!!! We ended up going to some nasty little pet shop and they gave one to me with out any questions. He gave it to me in a Chinese take-out box. It was the grossest thing ever!
Everyone's reactions were awesome!!While cutting holes for that rodent to breathe out of, I about cut the tip of my finger off! And man does it hurt!
Day 1
Day 3
Even though I cut through half of my fingernail, the nail is what saved it from being sliced right off. Other than the finger thing we have had a great start to the new year! And we are happy to finally have the snow to make it feel more like winter!
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