Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Lots to Catch Up On...

 It's been awhile since I have blogged.  The last blogs I was doing was about things I am thankful for.   I'm not going to catch up on all of that so just know I have so much to be thankful for.  I am very blessed and not a day goes by that I don't thank my Heavenly Father for all the many blessings he gives to me and my family.
So I will make this short and sweet... well let the pictures do the talking anyway.
We went to Disney On Ice...

 We had a tea party with Belle...
 Going and cutting down our Christmas tree isn't complete with out a stop at Gossners...

 What I made out of our trimmings from the tree...
 Payton turned 4!!!...

 For Payton's birthday we took her to the Kangaroo Zoo.  She absolutely loved it and kept thanking me for taking her there.  After she was done playing there we went to McDonald's for lunch and then to the park to play for a little bit.  This was her day so we did what she wanted.  The day went perfect until our diaper bag was stolen out of the truck.  The only thing that makes me so mad is that it had our camera in it.  The pictures from the kangaroo zoo are the ones I took with my phone.  I am glad that I empty off our SD card regularly and that on this particular day I left it in the computer so I wasn't able to take too many pictures with the camera.
 All she wanted for her birthday was a stick horse...

 Payton was so excited to go to the doctors she was particularly excited for her shots. I know crazy!  She had the choice of getting them or not since they are her kindergarten shots and she still chose to get them.  She cried only for a few seconds.  When she realized she could still walk she was all smiles.  She brings me so much joy! 
Payton now weighs 33.8 lbs which is 40% and is 41 1/4" which is 81% which means she grew over 4 inches in a year! She is still the smartest now 4 year old that I know.  She loves watching movies, playing games, playing with friends and the most surprising she loves reading.  Of course she likes when we read to her, but she is reading on her own now.  She is picking up on it so quickly and loves reading all the books that grandma will bring home to her.  Which has made me rethink the whole preschool thing.  Originally I wanted her to go because I wanted her social skills to improve.  She is now a social butterfly and isn't lacking in that area.  I think I will just keep doing what I'm doing and save us $80 a month.  Today for fun I had her write her numbers down.  This was her first time ever writing them down and I am very impressed!
This year I again asked her the annual Favorites birthday questions..
Color- "pink and purple"
Movie- "Brave"
Book- "Well... it's... 'Spooky Old Tree'"
TV show- "Dinosaur Train"
Game- "Well... it's.. Candy Land"
Food- "Cereal, oh and burritos.  I love burritos.  They make my breath stinky"
Song- "I am a Child of God, and girl you make my speakers go boom, boom." 
Activity- "That Weston likes to be nice and play with me."
Friends- "My best friends are Wyatt and Finley, Weston, Strawberry Shortcake, Payton, Hunter and Cody, and Mommy" then I asked what about Connor? "Oh ya he is and Hunter and the little girl baby Sienna." 
Payton is our smarty pants, she speaks so clearly and doesn't forget a thing you say.

I love this time of year...
 This year we adopted a new little friend.  Meet Chester the elf, the elf on the shelf...

 All dressed and ready for church on a cold winter morning...
 Monday we went to Christmas Village to see all the lights for FHE...

1 comment:

  1. I loved the update!! Looks like you guys have been having lots of fun. Payton is such a cutie. I love that she said Hunter was her friend- twice!:) Can't wait to see you at Christmas!!
