Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Dear Kelse...

Tonight we went to your sweet dad's viewing and I was able to find out more about what a great man he was.  Especially what a great father and "Grampy" he was and is.  You and your family are so very lucky to have such a wonderful man in your lives.  You are loved by so many and I was able to see just a few of the lives that he touched tonight. 
In person I don't know what to say because I can't imagine what you are going through.  The heartache that you must be feeling seems unbearable to me.  This might be one of the hardest things you will have to go through.  I want to let you know that I love you so much and that I am here if you need anything.  I also know that the Lord is always aware of our circumstances. You can always turn to him and he will bring you comfort and the strength you need.  He loves you so much and knows of the pain you're going through.  You are a beautiful woman with a beautiful spirit and I thank you for sharing that with me.
All I can think about is the night of March 18 of this year.  We were outside awaiting Sienna's arrival with your dad.  I don't remember the conversations we were having but I can just picture your dad's face light up when we heard her first cry and the emotion that overwhelmed him.  He loves you guys and has a special place for his grand kids. 
While I was going through a trial our family had a Tender Mercy take place.  When we retrieved Gaven's scriptures from Seminary we noticed a marker sticking out of his scriptures the scripture that was marked was 2 Peter 3:8 "But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day." Knowing this brought our family comfort.  Though that doesn't make it easier on us here we know that Gaven was put right to work and that he is not and will never feel alone.  Death is one of the hardest things we have to face on this Earth.  It is something we have to take a day at a time, step by step. Having the knowledge of the gospel we know this is only temporary.  We will be reunited with our loved ones and feel an ultimate peace. 
Kelse I love you so much and I hope and pray that you will feel the comfort of the Lord at this time.

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