Monday, August 20, 2012

My Calling...

It took awhile but it finally happened.  I hated not having a calling in our new ward.  Most people would love to have a break with no calling, but not me.  I appreciate the feeling of being wanted. I now feel that I am a part of the ward and not just a visitor.  My new calling is the Beehive Adviser and I am already loving it! I haven't worked with the Beehives yet so it's something new for me.  Speaking with the Bishop he said he knew who he needed to call but sometimes it will take him up to 6 months to fill the position.  Tawna my cousin was put in as the president and again with the way the Lord works all the names that she had matched up with all the names the Bishopric had in mind.  I love when things like that happen it strengthens my testimony and I know with out a shadow of a doubt The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the only true church on this Earth.
It's pretty neat that I get to work with Tawna who I just love so very much.  But the cooler part is that my mom is the 2nd counselor so I am in the Beehives with her! How neat is that! I know I am going to love this calling and I know I am going to love these girls who have so much enthusiasm for young womens.
So on a side note this morning I went out to weed the garden and found a little surprise.
A red hatted gnome... the blue one is in Aaron and Tawna's garden...
It all started about 2 years ago when we were out in the field cooking hobo dinners in the fire pit.  Usually hobo dinners consist of hamburger, onion you know the usual.  Well when Aaron and Tawna unwrapped their dinners they had turkey stakes with all the fixings.  And it was so good! From then on we have always had these competitions on who the better one was and always trying to one up each other in fun ways.  In the mean time Gnomeo and Juliet the movie came out and described us to the T.  So here we are now today with our garden gnomes.  I have a feeling this will be a fun on going adventure on what to do with these gnomes!
By the way our garden is better than theirs! Ü

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