Thursday, August 2, 2012

It's Not the New Normal!!!

Due to recent events that have affected my life and seemed to spread like wildfire since, I just want to get my thoughts out there with out stirring up contention on facebook.  It seems like every time I get on there there are comments about gays.  Especially with this whole Chick fil A thing going on -Which I completely support-.What really got me going on this was I was scrolling through Netflix when I came across the section "Gay and Lesbian Movies" Really!!! They have to have there own movie section now.   The Olympics are on and for us fine folk without the wonderful technology of DVR we are forced to watch commercials.  During these commercials there is a new show coming out called "The New Normal" which features a gay couple adopting a baby.  The title of this show rubs me the wrong way.  There is nothing normal about being gay, or having gay parents.  If you want to become a parent do it the right way! Do it the way God intended it to be which is between Man and Woman, Husband and Wife. No one was "born this way"  later in life you chose to act on it.  I do believe that it is a real struggle that a lot of people go through and that they will have it as a trial in this life.  But that is all that I see it as. If you work hard enough it won't be there anymore.
Frankly I am terrified about raising my children in this day in age.  Especially with how quickly the world is losing it's standards. I am extremely bothered about this fad and that it is something I hear, or see daily, but in no means does that make it normal.  I used to be scared of the second coming but as I have grown older and started up a family of my own I understand things better and I look forward to it.  I look forward to the eternity with my family, with my husband, my kids, my brothers, my sisters, my parents, and friends.  I look forward to being reunited with those that have gone on before and just to live in a world of peace with no trial and tribulation.  A place where I won't be worried to raise my family. 
I know some will disagree to my thoughts and beliefs but this is what i believe and I wish I didn't have to worry about my children growing up with the examples of the world.


  1. I sure am not one that disagrees! I fully agree and thought the same thing when I saw the commercial too! I love ya Shannon and am glad to have such an awesome friend!
