Yesterday morning I had a small surgery done. I have been having some female problems for quite awhile and have just kept telling myself that it would fix itself. Well one day while I was at Walmart I started to bleed quite heavily and didn't have anything with me. When I got home I soaked my stained pants and called
my doctor to schedule an appointment because I had had it. I hated this! I have been wearing a pad or a tampon basically every day since July. With those few rare occasions where I hadn't bled for a few days so I figured I was good. The soonest that I could get in was December 17 and at this point that was a month away. I figured what the heck what's another month at this point. December 17 came and it happened to be the last day of my regular period. So the doctor checked me and there was still a lot of blood in my uterus. He said that I would still have several more days of bleeding.
I left with not really any information as to why this was happening and was prescribed, "the mother of all birth controls" a few days later I got a call telling me that my doctor wanted to schedule a procedure. Monday I went in for my pre-op and Housel sat down with me and said he didn't like what he saw and wanted to get me back to regular so that I could get pregnant. So early the next morning I went in to have my procedures done. I had a D and C and a hysteroscopy he also took a biopsy so hopefully we can get answers in the next week or so. Or hopefully I can just get back to a regular menstrual cycle.
I'm so proud of myself. I am getting better with needles and did pretty good while they were giving me my IV.
I realize these pictures aren't the most flattering but what do you expect from a hubby that I documented his in-grown toenail removal of.
I obviously knew he was taking this picture but I do not remember this at all!