Monday, October 1, 2012

Inspiration Point...

 Saturday we decided to go for a drive up to Inspiration Point.  But first we made a stop to feed the ducks over by Lees Market.
 The drive was absolutely beautiful. This has been a beautiful fall even though we are only two weeks into the season the trees are at there peak or just past. 

 We usually take the motorcycles up so you forget how long it takes going in the truck, and how bumpy it is.  There were quite a few people so we did a lot of pulling off to the side for others to pass.  But this particular time we were in a pretty narrow spot.  Nic pulled the truck up tight to the mountain and made room for this truck to pass.  He also pulled off to the side and waved us to come.  So we started going then the idiot kid decided he had room to go to.  As he started going he realized he didn't have as much room as he thought as the truck was getting pulled to the edge.  Nic quickly jumped out and told him to stop and not move.  So what did the kid do? He tried to go some more and was pulled further to the edge.  Along came a 4 wheeler who had a wench and thought he was pretty cool so to our amazement they tried that.  After yet another failed attempt and the truck now flirting with the edge Nic asked the guy on the 4 wheeler what he expected to happen making sure he felt really dumb.  Nic again told them to stop that they would need to call two tow trucks.  It was making Nic so mad and sick at how dumb they were being that he wanted to get out of there as soon as he could.  As we watched the driver get out of the truck and close his door the truck rocked a little and that was it for Nic and I.  We don't know the outcome of it but I'm sure they were up there all night trying to save the truck.

 The incident put us on edge a little bit so we took everything nice and slow and enjoyed our views the whole way down.

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