Thursday, February 2, 2012

Eating My Words...

 A few days ago I remember saying that it wont be any different when Connor starts to crawl because he got around so much just by rolling... Well I take those words back! It's completely different yes I was right he is quicker... but also more destructive! Everything in our house is slowly moving up to higher levels where this little tornado can't reach!! Anything that he gets his hands on he assumes it's a ball and will throw it or knock it on the floor! He is sure keeping me on my toes that's for sure.  It's amazing how quick you forget the different stages, but also how quick they come back.  The other morning I gave him a bottle then went in the room to brush my teeth I came back and had a minor panic attack when I came into the room to find he wasn't there anymore and that he had made his way into the kitchen.  He is such a cute little crawler though and I love it!!!
Taking down the plant.
He loves taking baths with big sis 
 I got Connor out of the tub and put a diaper on him and while choosing out an outfit for him he decided he wanted to be back with Payton.
 Time for a bum picture!!! 
(It's a must)
Connor at 10 months and Payton at 13 months.
Another update with Connor yesterday I put away all the clothes he was wearing and brought out the 18-24 month clothes!


  1. ha ha ha...cute pictures and cute kids! Let's just hope we can both keep some order to our homes, when our babies start walking!

  2. As much as I love Payton I have to say chubby cheeks make a cuter bum shot!
