Tuesday, June 9, 2015

April- May...

 Again I have been slacking in the blogging world.  So the only way I remember anything is through pictures.  So here you go I'll update in pictures.
Stake conference was back at the Tabernacle.  The temple grounds were beautiful as always so we took a nice little stroll around them.

 flying kites..
 One day we rode our bikes to Pioneer.  Payton did the 4 miles there, but Connor did the 4 miles there and back.  What troopers they both were.
 Both the kids started T-ball.  Which is so much fun to watch!
 One weekend we went to the drive-in.  Bring on the summer!!!
 Can you tell what Connor's favorite movie is at the time?  If not, he's Hiccup from "How to train your Dragon".

 Love her...
 and him...
 I love them both!  This was taken on Nic's 30th birthday! I learned that Nic can't raise one eyebrow at a time.  The kids have no problem.  Every time Connor does it we laugh so hard because he pulls this face!
 T-ball practice..
 Connors last field trip was to a nursery.  He made me a potted plant for mother's day!
 Last soccer game!
 Mother's Day.  Payton was showing us a magic trick and flicked her front tooth right out! It was pretty funny, and the look on her face was priceless.
 She was excited that she would get a little attention at school for losing a tooth.
 First t-ball game! So funny. Connor is a rock star!
 But he's a little slow on the running part.
 Connor had his last day of preschool...

 And had his graduation at the Kangaroo Zoo.
 For awhile now we have had a leak in our roof.  After a few heavy rainstorms we decided we needed to get it fixed.  Well after 3 days of working hard and nonstop on it we finished, just as the set of a week and a half storm set in.  Good news, no leaks!
 Payton decided she wanted a hair cut.  We got it cut, and she insisted on it being shorter! I love it!
 Skipping through the rain!
 Payton's Kindergarten program.  She loved her teacher Mrs. Jennings and misses her already!
 The last day of Kindergarten..
 I was in charge of one of her field day activities.  We did a little relay.  The kids thought it was pretty fun.  I thought they looked pretty funny!
 Connor loved putting it all on and running around.
 She insisted on riding the bus home
 "Look what I got''
 Even in the rain she wanted to ride a 4 wheeler that Nic fixed for someone.  Now I want one!
 Memorial Day..
 One day Connor and Payton taught me how to play chess..
 I know that I have skipped so many things, but at least I got a little caught up on what's been going on.  Next up our trip to Hawaii!!!

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