Monday, October 27, 2014

Family Halloween Party...

In our family it's pretty obvious who the favorite aunt is.  Maddie does so much for the kids and goes all out for everything.  This year she put on another great Halloween Party for us and we had so much fun.  She did all the food, games, and treats for the kids and us adults.   This year I was glad that we all were dressed up.  Thanks for the fun party Maddie!

 We lent out our camera, so phone pictures is all we got.  Cecelia made Connor's hat and we all love it!
 All Nic is missing is his tommy gun.  He was more cooperative this year with dressing up.  I thought he looked pretty good!
 Ariel, Killer bunny & Flo, Flapper, Gangster, Leo, Elsa, and Monday and Tuesdays showing of Shark Week.

Lookin' good babe!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Christmas Meadows...

 It's amazing to me all of the beauties that are so close to us.  This last weekend during the kids' fall break we decided to tough out the cold weather in our last camping trip of the year.  The days were beautiful and the nights were cold.  Everyone was worried about us freezing but we survived and I'm so glad that went. We stayed in Christmas Meadows Campground in the Uintas.  We had the entire place to ourselves.  There was no one anywhere near us, to which both Nic and I later admitted it was kinda scary.  Especially in the middle of the night when you would hear coyotes not to far away.  We stayed warm enough at night and only used the heater the first night.  We had fires at night and ate breakfast around the fire as well.  We spent our little get away, sight seeing, hiking, and fishing and loved every bit of it, well except when I fell off the rocks and banged up my hip, knee, and shin and finished it off with rolling into the water.  Yes my ego hurt a bit too!

Witch Fest, and Enduro Cross Racing...

 On October 11th we had a fun filled day.  That morning we got up and ready for Payton's soccer game at 8:30.  I asked the coach if she could play the first half since we would need to leave to be down to Garndner Village by 10.  The coach was awesome and let us do that.  Payton was so focused on getting her face painted that we could have missed her game all together and that would have been fine.  She and I both love the tradition of putting on our witch hats and having fun looking around all of the shops.  And it's always nice to get good pictures of everyone with Joni around.

 She loves her Great Grandma Montgomery..

  I'm pretty sure I was in the middle of goofing off and you know "working it" so don't mind me.

 That night it was back to Salt Lake for Nic and I.  We went to the Enduro Cross Racing at the ESA.   This was our first experience with it and it was lots of fun to watch.  I keep telling Nic that he should try this.  Maybe I can get him to try next year.