Wednesday, April 24, 2013


I have reached a pretty big milestone in my life.  I am now a quarter of a century old.  The big 2 5! Not a big deal right? Wrong! It's a big deal for me for some reason.  I am not the young thing I used to be and that I sometimes think I still am.  Kids that I used to babysit regularly are at the age that I so vividly remember and that I find myself still relating to.  Garrett Henderson received his mission call a few weeks ago and his younger sister just made it as a Fremont cheerleader and will be receiving her YW medallion on Sunday.  That's crazy to me! I am also so proud of them and who they have become.
My birthday was on a very hectic Saturday this year and since we were booked all day Nic and I were able to go out on Friday, of course after we went to the doctor for his consultation for his hernia surgery.  Good news the doctor says they won't need to fix it.  They will just watch it closely and if it causes Nic any problems then they will fix it! Big relief for us!  Anyway after that we dropped the kids off at my parents and made our way to Tucanos for my birthday dinner.  When we finished eating we took trax over to City Creek to do a little shopping. 
Saturday started early with me going to the Church Farm and weeding the gardens.  I did that until it was time for Nic to load up chairs from our church and take them to the stake center.  After that we had an Elders Quorum volleyball tournament with the wives.  And then we had time to eat some lunch then it was off to run some errands.  We came home and Nic left for Priesthood leadership meeting while I mowed the lawn then got ready for the Adult session.  We started are day at 7 a.m and stayed busy with church stuff until 9:30 that night.  So thank goodness we were able to celebrate a little on Friday!

Monday was teacher appreciation night at Dinosaur Park so the whole family met there for dinner and to walk around.  Of course a trip to dino park would not be complete without Cameron's impersonation of a Raptor.  He had us all laughing so hard.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Family Knolls Trip...

 Friday after Nic got off work we headed out to the Knolls for a fun riding weekend with Nic's family.  It's funny that you pack just about as much for one day as you do for a week.  I was a little nervous for this trip because it was our first time towing with our new car and I didn't want anything to break.  But it towed like a champ which made us quite happy.  When we arrived to the Knolls we set up camp and got a fire going.  We roasted marshmallow's for s'mores and told stories.  Well as we were going to bed around 12 a.m the wind started and never stopped! The kids all slept really well while everyone else had the longest night of surviving the wind in our tents.  It was miserable! You can tell in the picture below of Connor sleeping how much sand blew in our tent that night.  The wind kept strong all day but we didn't let that stop us from playing.  It wasn't until around 3 that we decided we better start packing up.  And packing up was very miserable.  We were being blasted with sand.  It was so bad that we were shocking each other.  I didn't know that was possible.  Next time we plan a trip to the Knoll's if there is any chance of wind we will pass.  But aside from the wind we made some great memories and had a really good time!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Jazz Game...

 April showers bring May flowers is a very true statement because on April 1 it rained all day long.  After spending all of the previous week outside being inside all day really got to me and I wanted to get out.  So when Nic came home from work we decided to go to Tucanos and a Jazz game.  We are on Tucanos Birthday list so in our Birthday month we get a free dinner.  So you bet on April 1 we used it!  After eating dinner we walked to the ESA for the Jazz game.  Note: flip flops, water, and smooth cement are a horrible combination.  I had just walked down the steps and took one step onto the smooth cement and my foot slipped right out from under me.  I was carrying Connor and the diaper bag -where the heck was Nic- I had no hands to catch myself with and fell right on my hip and elbow.  I quickly tried to stand back up and I slipped again.  By this time there were about 5 people there helping me up and I wanted to do nothing but run and hide.  It was so embarrassing! Once the embarrassment wore off the pain started coming and I was cold and wet!  Other than that unfortunate incident the game was great and our night was fun.

Easter Weekend...

 Our Easter Weekend started off with an Easter egg hunt at the park.  The kids loved it and had so much fun running around looking for treats to fill their baskets with.  After the hunt was over we went home to color our eggs.  We tried using Kool-Aid this year to dye the eggs and for the most part it worked pretty well.  After that we went over to Nic's parents so Nic could help Sam work on his truck.  While they were busy working Morgan took the kids for a ride on the horse.  That is Connor's favorite thing at Grandma and Grandpa Richs' home is Jewel. After that we headed to the church to get it cleaned. And that was pretty much all of our Saturday.  Sunday morning the kids woke up to a surprise that the Easter bunny left them.  Payton was so excited to see the yarn trail that the bunny left and followed it really well.  Connor just wanted to follow Payton and didn't quite understand how to follow his yarn.